《Table 1 Contribution of land-surface temperature trend in different mid-high latitude region to glo

《Table 1 Contribution of land-surface temperature trend in different mid-high latitude region to glo   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Impact of oceans on climate change in drylands》

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Figure 5 shows the interdecadal oscillations,trends,and interdecadal-scale synthetic precipitation changes for four typical representative regions in the drylands of North America,North China,North Africa,and Central Asia(Xu and Ma,2017).The characteristics of evolution were analyzed to understand the evolution characteristics of precipitation and the regional differences at interdecadal scale in the typical drylands of the world.As shown in Figure 5,there are different interdecadal oscillation periods in the four typical regions.The interdecadal periods in North America and Central are both about 30 years,and the phases are basically the same.Both of these are rising trends,and they turned into wet periods in 1971 and 1975,respectively.The interdecadal periods in North China,North America and Central Asia are basically equal and the difference in the phases is not significant,but the long-term trend is reversed.It should be noted that,the phase and trend of the interdecadal period in North Africa is significantly different from those of the other three regions,which is also an important difference between North China and North Africa.Previous studies have discovered that long-term changes in North Africa and North China have similar characteristics(Yan et al.,1990;Ma and Fu,2007),but the characteristics of the two regions in the interdecadal scale cannot be revealed owing to the limitations of the methods.As shown in Table 2,the drying trend in North China lasted for the longest period,which was38 years,followed by North Africa(34 years)and North America(17 years).Although the duration of drying trend in Central Asia was the shortest,there have been two drying trends in the past 60 years.The duration of humidification is relatively short compared to aridification in Central Asia,but it occurs more frequently.