《Table 3 Five epidemiologic studies on diabetes at a national scale in Chinaa)》

《Table 3 Five epidemiologic studies on diabetes at a national scale in Chinaa)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《A thorough analysis of diabetes research in China from 1995 to 2015: current scenario and future scope》

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a) -,No information is available.*,The criteria were proposed by the National Diabetes Research Cooperative Conference held in Lanzhou in 1979 and amended in Beijing in 1980.Diagnostic criteria were FPG≥130 mg dL-1and/or 2 h PG≥200 mg dL-1and/or more t

From 1995 to 2015,following the U.S.,China had the second-highest number of publications on diabetes(8,783)(Zhao et al.,2016) .There has been a growing trend in the number of publications during the past two decades,and this trend is predicted to persist for at least another five years(Figure 1).Consistent with the rapid growth in China’s Gross Domestic Product(GDP),scientific funds(e.g.,research and development expenditure (%of GDP),National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)fund and NSFC fund for life and health sciences) have all been surging during the past two decades(Figure 2).The increase in the investment in science has contributed to the tremendous growth in the number of publications(Figure 2;Table S1 in Supporting Information)that are estimated to grow because the China government aims to raise the research and development expenditure(%of GDP)from 2.07%in 2015(https://www.tellmaps.com/uis/rd/#!/topic/RD)to 2.5%by 2020(Van Noorden,2016).