《Table 1 Health risk assessment results for selected trace metals in water in Kigoma Bay and Kungwe

《Table 1 Health risk assessment results for selected trace metals in water in Kigoma Bay and Kungwe   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"Vertical physicochemical parameter distributions and health risk assessment for trace metals in water columns in eastern Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania"》

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a:RfD ing and RfD derm values were taken from previous publications(US-EPA,2004;Wu et al.,2009;Iqbal and Shah,2012).

Correlations between the metal concentrations and physicochemical parameters were analyzed to attempt to explain the patterns found in some metal concentrations.The results are shown in Suppl.Table1 in supplementary material.Signifi cant negative correlations were found between the ORP and P concentration,the ORP and Si concentration,the DO content and P concentration,and the DO content and Si concentration.This may indicate that P and Si can be effi ciently transferred from the soluble phase to other phases in a water column with a high ORP and DO contents.In an anoxic and reduced environment,soluble P and Si will be stored in the water column and accumulate.The P and Si concentrations signifi cantly positively correlated with the Ba,Ca,and Co concentrations.The chemical properties of these elements suggest that the concentrations may have correlated predominantly because of phosphates and silicates dissolving and precipitating.Other complex correlations were found between diff erent parameters and the metal concentrations,but no meaningful conclusions could be drawn from these results.