《Table 5–Derived properties of the watershed subdivision delineation.》

《Table 5–Derived properties of the watershed subdivision delineation.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"Development of a model to simulate soil heavy metals lateral migration quantity based on SWAT in Huanjiang watershed,China"》

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Simulation migration quantity of heavy metals with Eq.(2)changed with drainage area threshold percentage.Sixteen different watershed subdivisions were configured with subwatershed numbers from 3 to 93,corresponding to drainage area threshold percentages from 14.7%to 0.59%(Table 5).Fig.4showed the simulation migration quantity of As,Pb and Cd at different drainage area threshold percentage levels in 2014.The calculated transportation quantity of As,Pb and Cd decreased by34.3%,10.8%and 53.5%,respectively,as the minimum drainage area decreased.When the threshold percentage was lower than about 3%,the simulation transportation quantity of As,Pb and Cd revealed sharp reductions.The simulation results became relatively stable when the threshold percentage exceeded about3%.