《Table 1 Changes in US Central Asia Policy and Its Perceptions of and Policies toward the SCO》

《Table 1 Changes in US Central Asia Policy and Its Perceptions of and Policies toward the SCO》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The relationship with the SCO is just like a microcosm of the United States’Central Asia policy.The change in policy priorities and path preferences is the main factor that has shaped and restrained the relationship.When the US pushed forward military and security cooperation through bilateral channels,it adopted a wait-and-see attitude toward the SCO and neither cooperated with nor opposed the organization.When the US attempted to promote democratization and regime change in Central Asia through“color revolutions,”it saw the SCO as a threat that needed watching out against.When the US sought multilateral security and economic cooperation,its policy toward and perception of the SCO turned more pragmatic,opening a brief window of opportunity for cooperation between the two sides.When the US began to push exclusive multilateral regional connectivity initiatives and a regional integration strategy in Central Asia,it adopted a policy of competition and division toward the SCO(see Table 1).