《Table 2 Frequencies of peripheral myopia-related retinal changes in the study subjects》

《Table 2 Frequencies of peripheral myopia-related retinal changes in the study subjects》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Prevalence and characteristics of peripheral myopic retinopathy in Guangzhou office workers》

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In this study,we included 1910 eyes of 955 subjects(508females and 447 males)with a mean age of 36.8±8.2y(range,21 to 59y).Myopia was found in 69.6%of the eyes.The mean uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA)of all subjects was0.54±0.44(median,0.40;range,0.02 to 1.5),while the mean BCVA of all subjects was 1.16±0.15(median,1.2;range,0.1 to1.5).The mean AL was 24.62±1.39 mm,and the mean SE was-2.47±2.63 D(median,-1.75;range,-15.0 to 4.5).The mean work time was 8.0±1.8h.The myopia group had a younger age and worse UCVA and BCVA when compared with the other groups(P<0.001).As expected,the AL was significantly longer,the SE was much higher,and the optic nerve crescent was significantly larger in subjects with myopia than with hyperopia and emmetropia.No significant gender,IOP,cupto-disc ratio(C/D),or work time differences were noted for subjects with myopia,hyperopia,or emmetropia.Details of the demographic and clinical data of the study population are shown in Table 1.