《Table 7 Measurements of pedal phalanges of Teleolophus medius (IVPP V 23887) (mm)》

《Table 7 Measurements of pedal phalanges of Teleolophus medius (IVPP V 23887) (mm)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Abbreviations:H=height;W=width;L=proximally anteroposterior length.

As pointed out by Radinsky(1965),the phalanges of pes are similar to those of manus except for being longer and relatively narrower(Fig.7;Table 7),and the proximal lateral phalanges of pes lack the prominent tuberosities that can be seen on the axial side of those phalanges in the manus.Furthermore,the Ph I of pes is somewhat depressed on the lateral sides.