《Table 2 Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Moschus grandaevus from Tuchengzi locality (mm)》

《Table 2 Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Moschus grandaevus from Tuchengzi locality (mm)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Note:the measurments of p2 on IVPP V 23515.1 and V 23515.3 are based on the broken roots in mandibular fragments.

Description The maxillary dentition available only ranges from DP4 to M3(see Table 1 for measurements).The DP4(5.78 mm×5.92 mm)is composed of four simple main cusps in two distinct lobes(Fig.1A),the buccal main cusps are higher than the lingual ones.The entostyle is present and moderate,but other accessory elements such as precingulum,entocingulum,postcingulum,spur,neocrista,etc.are absent.The maxillary molars are morphologically similar to each other and relatively simple,the accessory elements such as precingulum,postcingulum,neocrista,entostyle(basal pillar),etc.are absent.But the molars are characterized by the presence of metaconule spur which is not evident on M1,slightly evident on M2 and very clear on M3.The evidence of the spur is probably related to the degree of wearing.It is very evident on the molars unworn or slightly worn(Fig.1A,D),but might disappear on the crowns very worn,especially on M1.The entocingulum is also present on the molars but poorly developed.