《Table 3 Life span distribution of sample patents》

《Table 3 Life span distribution of sample patents》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《An empirical research on the field of wireless charging based on patent life length》

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Before 1995,wireless charging related technologies were at an embryonic stage,lacking the basis for snowball marketing due to its low user attention.In this stage,6475 patents authorized from 1995 to 2015are analyzed,of which altogether 4541 patents are cited during the observation time period.The life span of4541 sample patents are measured based on the standard that effective T value is 16.Among them,730sample patents had not been cited for 43 consecutive months(DE+T)since authorization,2081 patents had a specific obsolescence point during observation time,and 1730 patents had not obsolesced during observation time,that is,the right-censored patents.Table 3 lists the life span of 2081 obsolesced patents during observing time.