《Table 5Error matrix for Wonchang,classified using the SVM.》

《Table 5Error matrix for Wonchang,classified using the SVM.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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As well as the Anbi village result,the classification result from Wonchang is also slightly different yet the accuracy result is so different.Since the same method was applied to calculate the accuracy and employed the pixel number to determine the overall accuracy and kappa coefficient,thus the differences between classification and accuracy result that seems to be opposite can be explained.If we look through the maps carefully in Figs.4(a) and (b),particularly the PWD-indicated tree class in the ANN have larger misclassified area than the SVM.In addition,the bare land and some grass that has brownish color also detected as PWD-indicated tree which make the ANN has a lower overall accuracy than the SVM in Wonchang result.