《Tab.2 Correlation analysis of meat quality during different shelf life》

《Tab.2 Correlation analysis of meat quality during different shelf life》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Changes in Chilled Chicken Quality and Correlation Analysis during Different Shelf Life》

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Note:*indicates significant difference at 0.05 level(both sides);**indicates extremely significant difference at 0.01 level(both sides).

As shown in Tab.2,the p H of chilled chicken had significant positive correlation with water loss rate during different shelf life(P<0.05),and the correlation coefficient was 0.902.The p H had extremely significant negative correlation with shear force(P<0.01),and the correlation coefficient was-0.92.The p H was negatively correlated with L*,a*,b*(P>0.05);the water loss rate was negatively correlated with shear force,L*,a*(P>0.05),and positively correlated with b*(P>0.05);the shear force was positively correlated with L*,a*,b*(P>0.05);L*was positively correlated with a*,b*(P>0.05);a*was positively correlated with b*(P>0.05);the shear force and a*was negatively correlated with inosinic acid;the water loss rate,L*and b*were positively correlated with inosinic acid(P>0.05).