《Table 4 Cold tolerance in bitter gourd germplasms under different temperature conditions》

《Table 4 Cold tolerance in bitter gourd germplasms under different temperature conditions》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Identification and Evaluation of Cold Tolerance in Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) at Bud and Seedling Stages under Different Temperature Conditions》

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There were significant differences in germination potential and germination rate under different temperature conditions(Table 3).Different bitter gourd germplasms were identified and graded according to the grading standards of cold tolerances in bitter gourd at bug stage,and the results were not consistent(Table 4).At14℃,the germination potential of bitter gourd germplasm was0.0%,and except T1and T2,other germplasms did not germinate.At 16℃,germplasms T3,T4,T5and T6all showed germination potential and germination rates lower than 50%,and among them,germplasm T6exhibited the germplasm potential and germination rate both of 0.0%.At 18℃,there were very significant differences in germplasm potential and germination rate.The largest change range of germination potential among germplasms was11.3%-96.0%,and the largest change range of germination rate was 13.3%-100.0%.At 20℃,different germplasms differed significantly in germination rate and germination potential.The change range of germination potential among germplasms was30.0%-96.7%,and that of germination rate was 30.0%-100.0%.At 25℃,the germination potential and germination rate of germplasm T6were improved significantly,and there were no significant differences between germplasms.At 30℃,the germination potential and germination rate showed consistent trends among germplasms,without significant changes.