《Tab.1 Summary of original and simplified modelling results for SV》

《Tab.1 Summary of original and simplified modelling results for SV》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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w here are the longitudinal acceleration of vehicle SV at time t and are the longitudinal speed of vehicle SV at time t-T,respectively;ΔxSVCLV(t-T),ΔxSVPLV(t-T)andΔxSVPFV(t-T)denotes the spatial headw ay w ith CLV,PLV and PFV of SV at t-T,respectively;denote the relative velocity w ith CLV,PLV and PFV of SV at t-T,respectively.α,β,γ,ρ,ω,δ,andτare the sensitivities of drivers;T represents the driver reaction time.By employing the least-squares estimation method,the sensitivity parameters are calibrated w ith different drivers'reaction times ranging from 0.1 to 1 s.Tab.1 summarizes the estimated optimal values of parameters and corresponding supporting statistics indicators.Notably,the linear model is statistically significant at the 99%confidence level(P<0.01).Considering that the individual driving behavior is modelled,R2value is reasonable.Based on the supporting statistics indicators,the impact of on the SV's longitudinal acceleration during the DLCP process is insignificant and can be ignored.This can account for these input variables having strong correlations w ith remaining input variables.Therefore,original model Eq.(1)is simplified into