《Table 2 Land slope frequency distribution for different statistic units》

《Table 2 Land slope frequency distribution for different statistic units》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The slope frequency distribution is a quantitative analytical tool for slope analysis.However,slope accuracy de-pends on the DEM data.The ASTER GDEM v3.0 data were created from the automated processing of the entire ASTER Level 1A archive of scenes acquired between March 1,2000,and November 30,2013.The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data products offer a substantial improvement over Version 2 products.Although some relief changes during the data acquisition period,on a global scale the impact of these local topographic changes can be ignored.Figure 2 shows that Antarctica and Greenland have a high ground surface slope.Because ice and snow-covered areas have high optical reflectivity,a stereo correlation was used to produce the ASTER DEM.Therefore,DEM data in this area have poor quality and so do the slope frequency distribution data.We suggest that the slope frequency distribution data for Antarctica and Greenland in this data set be avoided in subsequent research.