《Table 2 Chinese medicines applied against new and emerging infectious diseases》

《Table 2 Chinese medicines applied against new and emerging infectious diseases》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The utility of Chinese medicine in the management of new and emerging infectious diseases in the future has become an important question.Chinese medicine has,to a large extent,been modernized,and systematic knowledge and education have been established.As a junction between new and classical wisdom,modernized Chinese medicine can be a useful tool in the management of health problems.Standard pharmacological studies investigating traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)regimens will lead to new answers and solutions to new emerging infections.With the use of new technologies,such as biochemio informatics and medical nanotechnology,searching for new drugs based on classical Chinese medicine and the development of new formulations of Chinese medicine-based drugs can be expected in the near future(Table 1).