《Table 1:Composition of National Land Resources》

《Table 1:Composition of National Land Resources》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Farmers’biggest assets are rural land plots whose ownership is shared among members of a collective.According to the Second National Land Survey and other relevant data,out of China’s land area of 960 million hectares,there are 446 million hectares of rural collective land,including 368.6million hectares of agricultural land and 20.67 million hectares of construction land.Rural collective land makes up some 46%of China’s total land area(Table 1 and 2).The realization of land property rights for farmers marks a substantial adjustment to China’s national income distribution.It is also a process towards market-based allocation of land as an essential step in removing the urban-rural divide and integrating urban-rural social and economic development.