《Table 2 Pseudo-first-order/pseudo-second-order model parameters》

《Table 2 Pseudo-first-order/pseudo-second-order model parameters》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"Study of Isothermal Equilibrium,Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Adsorptive Desulfurization on Synthesized Cu~ⅠY~ⅢY Zeolite"》

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The representation of kinetic analysis is shown in Figure 8schematically,and the model parameters are listed in Table2.It can be seen from Figure 8 that the experimental data are well available for both the adsorption kinetic models.The correlation coefficient R2 of the pseudo-first-order model is 0.9965,which is slightly lower than that of the pseudo-second-order model(0.9970),confirming that the pseudo-second-order model is a bit more suitable for representing the adsorption kinetics of this adsorption process.