《Table 2 Activities of protease, urease, catalase in the soil samples cultivated with garden plants

《Table 2 Activities of protease, urease, catalase in the soil samples cultivated with garden plants   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Effects of Different Cultivation Time of Garden Plants on Soil Chemical Properties and Soil Enzyme Activities》

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As shown in Table 2,there were certain differences in the protease activity in the soil cultivated with the several garden plant species.The activity of soil protease was the highest in the garden soil cultivated with L.lucidum,and the lowest in the soil cultivated with C.chinensis.With the extension of the cultivation time of garden plants,the activity of soil protease also had some changes.The changes in soil protease activity of soils cultivated with cultivated F.microcarpa,C.chinensis,G.biloba,L.indica and L.lucidum were-17.07%,-5.56%,165.63%,-61.84%,and-23.66%,respectively.Among them,the protease activity of the soil cultivated with G.biloba showed great improvement.There were also certain differences in the activities of soil urease and catalase in the soils cultivated with the several garden plant species with the cultivation time of over 3 years.Among then,the activity of soil urease in the garden soil cultivated with L.indica improved the most significantly,showing an increase of 75%.On the other hand,in the garden soil cultivated with L.lucidum,the activities of both soil urease and catalase activities decreased the most significantly,showing an decrease of 53.8%and 43.9%,respectively.