《Table 2 The synonymous codon usage pattern in fish rhabdovirus and the comparison of the synonymous

《Table 2 The synonymous codon usage pattern in fish rhabdovirus and the comparison of the synonymous   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Analyses on the Overall Codon Usage Pattern in Fish Rhabdovirus》

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Codon usages are not equivalent and there is often preferential use of one over the other.Major codon preferences have been shown to be conserved across related taxa[29].As shown in Table.2,HRRV,DORV,TERV,GCRV,PORV,SMRV,VHSV and SHRV frequently used A as the first site(AGA and AGG for Ala),all fish rhabdovirus excluding SMRV preferentially used GGA for Glu,INHV,HIRV,PORV,SMRV,VHSV,SCRV and SHRV preferentially used AUC for Ile,HIRV,INHV,PFRV,TERV,VHSV,TRRV,SCRV and SHRV preferentially used CUG for Leu,SVCV,DORV,GCRV,SMRV and TRRV preferentially used UUG for Leu,DORV,GCRV and TRRV preferentially used CCA for Phe,INHV and VHSV preferentially used CCC for Pro,HIRV and DORV preferentially used UCA for Ser,TERV preferentially used UCU for Ser,TIRV and SCRV preferentially used ACA for Thr,HIRV,INHV,VHSV and SHRV preferentially used ACC for Thr,HRRV preferentially used UAC and GUC for Tyr,Val,respectively.PORV frequently used GUC for Val,and SMRV frequently used gug for Val.