《Table 3 Allowable minimum EED bus voltage》

《Table 3 Allowable minimum EED bus voltage》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Like other satellites,the SA current of Chang’e 4 relay satellite tends to decrease a little due to ultraviolet irradiation and charged particle irradiation.The SA current was about 27.2 A when the satellite reached its mission position.The SA current decreased to 26.3 A one year later equivalent to 3.3%of power loss.This phenomenon conforms to the normal behaviors of on-orbit SAs.Usually,the SA current decreases most in the first year and 1%to 2%current loss is expected every year in the future.So,it can be predicted that at least 24.2 A will still be available and the power issue will not be a problem to Chang’e4 relay satellite 4 years later.As to the battery,the discharging voltage of 7 cells is still higher than 3.7 V which is quite high above the alarm threshold with good uniformity after tens of times of orbital maintenance.Even if the battery decays 4 years later,we have alternative methods such as raising the battery voltage to store more energy,simply by issuing several commands via PCDU.The battery can rest us assured.