《Table 2 The beta parameters estimated through model averaging of all co-occurrence occupancy models

《Table 2 The beta parameters estimated through model averaging of all co-occurrence occupancy models   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Combined effects of habitat and interspec ificinteraction define co-occurrence patterns of sympatric Galliformes》

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The model names are the same as in Table 1.The beta parameter of psiA denotes occupancy probability of the dominant species(Silver Pheasants).psiBA denotes occupancy probability of the subordinate species(White-necklaced Partridges)when the dominant is pr

Based on the most parsimonious model for detection probability,we build the co-occurrence occupancy model for site use probability of Silver Pheasants and White-necklaced Partridges in the wet and dry season,respectively.For occupancy models in the wet season,the top-ranked models included species effect,coverage,slope and EVI effect and interaction effect(Table 1).The EVI has a stronger effect(cumulative weight=0.956)than coverage(cumulative weight=0.750),slope(cumulative weight=0.565)and interaction effect(cumulative weight=0.545).The site use probability of Silver Pheasants decreases with the coverage and EVI,and increases with slope(Fig.3a,c,e),the site use probability of White-necklaced Partridges increases with slope and coverage and decreases with the EVI(Fig.3a,c,e).Therefore,the coverage has an opposite effect on the site use probability of two Galliformes(Table 2;Fig.3c).The model averaging results show that the presence of Silver Pheasantsincreases the site use of White-necklaced Partridges(psiBA=0.518±0.116,psiBa=0.384±0.252,p=0.209;Table 3).Further,SIF for site use was 1.032,verifying the limited effect of interaction on site use probability.For occupancy models in the dry season,the topranked models supported the species effect,coverage,slope,distance and interaction effect(Table 1).On the basis of models weight,the coverage has the strongest effect(cumulative weight=0.989),among distance(cumulative weight=0.748),slope(cumulative weight=0.607)and interaction effect(cumulative weight=0.562).Further,the coverage also had the largest model weights and an opposite effect on the site use probability of two Galliformes(Table 2;Fig.3d).However,the site use probability of Silver Pheasants and White-necklaced Partridges increases with the slope and distance(Fig.3b,f).The model averaging results show no evidence that the presence of Silver Pheasants influences the site use probability of White-necklaced Partridges in the dry season(psiBA=0.479±0.212,psiBa=0.432±0.302,p=0.209;Table 3).The SIF for occupancy was 1.013 in the dry season,supporting weak evidence of the dependence of the site use probability of one species on that of the other.