《Table 4 Average size of primary phases in as-cast M2 alloy with SC》

《Table 4 Average size of primary phases in as-cast M2 alloy with SC》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Figure 1 shows the schematic of RSC process.Figure 1(a)illustrates the schematic of the UV treatment device,which is mainly composed of ultrasonic generator,transducer and ultrasonic vibrator.The power and frequency of the UV used in this experiment are1.6 k W and 20 k Hz,respectively.The nominal compositions of the Al-14Si-2Fe(wt.%)alloys with different Mn contents are given in Table 1.The alloys used in the experiments were prepared with Al-24.45Si and Al-10Mn master alloys,pure Al,Fe,Cu,Ni and Mg.The molten metal was degassed with pure argon gas after the materials were melted in a resistance furnace.Then,a certain amount of molten aluminum was poured into a steel cup which was preheated to about 610°C.The UV was applied on the melt when the melt was cooled down to 640°C.The temperature range of UV is 640-620°C and the treatment time is 90 s.After the UV was completed,the semi-solid melt was poured into the mold cavity of the squeeze casting press machine which was preheated to about 200°C to fabricate rheo-squeeze casting(RSC)parts.The pressure was applied in both the top and bottom directions.The pressure holding time was60 s.The diameter and height of the part obtained are30 and 80 mm,respectively.The pressures used in the experiment were 0,100,200 and 300 MPa.The squeeze casting press machine is a four-column hydraulic press The maximum displacement force is 2000 kN.For comparison,the melt without UV was poured directly a700°C to fabricate squeeze casting(SC)parts.