《Table 2 Geomorphology zones of the landslide distribution》

《Table 2 Geomorphology zones of the landslide distribution》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"Landslide integrated characteristics and susceptibility assessment in Rongxian county of Guangxi,China"》

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Based on geological data and field surveyed data,the region with the weathered soil thickness greater than 15 m is largest,followed by the region with the thickness less than 5 m.Therefore thickness is divided into four classes by an equa interval of 5 m as follows:<5 m,5~10 m,10~15 m and>15 m(Figure 3c).43.49%of the slope surface is covered by the residual or fully weathered soil of granite,shale,mud rock and sandstone,which is prone to soil failure in rainy season.513(66.45%)landslides are situated within the region with the thickness greater than 15 m and the growth density of 0.523/km2.The smallest growth density exists within the region where the thickness is less than 5m(Table 3).