《Table 9 Three prevention regions》

《Table 9 Three prevention regions》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"Landslide integrated characteristics and susceptibility assessment in Rongxian county of Guangxi,China"》

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Based on the section 4.2,firstly,441 landslides are selected in the high and moderate susceptive zone.Secondly,the characteristics of landslide development and the region system planning(2017-2025)are considered to conduct a comprehensive analysis on prevention zones.According to the urgency of the prevention,the planning period is divided into three phases:recent(2017~2019),medium-term(2020~2022)and long-term(2023~2025).The prevention zone is classified into the major,second-major and unimportant region.As shown in Table 9,the major prevention region threatened by 277landslides is located in the north,southeast and southwest.This region is distributed around towns villages,roads and important engineering facilities.It covers an area of 875 km2 accounting for 38.8%of the total area and has 3601 local residents.The second-majorpreventionregionwith124landslides is located in the northwest,northeast,mid-west and southeast.Its area is 756 km2accounting for 33.5%,and the number of residents is 1819.Unimportant prevention region is sparsely populated rural areas with flat terrain and few human activities.It covers an area of 626 km2accounting for 27.7%.