《Table 4 Correlation between autonomic parameters and gastric motility parameters among children wit

《Table 4 Correlation between autonomic parameters and gastric motility parameters among children wit   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Autonomic functions and gastric motility in children with functional abdominal pain disorders》

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Spearman correlation coefficient,a P<0.05.FAA:Fasting antral area;AA1:Antral area at 1 min;AA15:Antral area at 15 min;GER:Gastric emptying rate;FAC:Frequency of antral contraction;AAC:Amplitude of antral contraction;MI:Antral motility index.

The autonomic symptoms related to the gastrointestinal tract were significantly higher among the AP-FGID group(Table 1).The extra-intestinal symptoms,with the exception of the presence of cold feet,were higher among the AP-FGID group,though the difference was not statistically significant.