《Table 1 Compared characteristics of natural and synthetic moldavites表1天然莫尔道玻陨石和合成莫尔道玻陨石的特征比较》

《Table 1 Compared characteristics of natural and synthetic moldavites表1天然莫尔道玻陨石和合成莫尔道玻陨石的特征比较》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Natural moldavite and its synthetic equivalent have a completely identical reaction under Chelsea filter(the colour is the same without Chelsea filter).Natural moldavite is completely inert in short-wave and long-wave UV radiation.On the contrary,synthetic moldavite shows weak whitish fluorescence in short-wave UV radiation(254nm).This property is the most important by testing large lots of mixed natural and synthetic moldavites.There is also a significant difference in refractive index and density(Table1),but they are difficult to use on rough specimens.