《Table 1 Indications for pancreatoscopy》

《Table 1 Indications for pancreatoscopy》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Pancreatoscopy: An update》

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Pancreatoscopy has two primary indications for diagnostic purpose.First,it is used for visualization and histological diagnosis of IPMNs[16].Second,it is used to determine pancreatic duct strictures,differentiate between benign and malignant disease[17],and allow mapping the extent of the tumor prior to surgical resection[18].Pancreatoscopy can also be used for therapeutic purposes,such as pancreatoscopyguided lithotripsy in chronic painful pancreatitis with pancreatic duct stones[19].Indications for pancreatoscopy are summarized in Table 1.