《Table 1 Nerve conduction velocity and gastrocnemius muscle strength after bio-sleeve suture or epin

《Table 1 Nerve conduction velocity and gastrocnemius muscle strength after bio-sleeve suture or epin   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Repair of peripheral nerve defects by nerve transposition using small gap bio-sleeve suture with different inner diameters at both ends》

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*P<0.05,vs.sham operation group(one-way analysis of variance and the least significant difference test).Data are expressed as the mean±SD(n=6 per group).

There was no significant difference in wet muscle weight between the epineurial neurorrhaphy group and bio-sleevesuture group(P>0.05).However,wet muscle weight was significantly lower in the epineurial neurorrhaphy and biosleeve suture groups than in the sham operation group(P<0.05;Table 2).Varying degrees of gastrocnemius muscle atrophy were observed on the surgical side in the epineurial neurorrhaphy and bio-sleeve suture groups compared with the sham operation group(Figure 3).In the sham operation group,hematoxylin-eosin staining showed that the muscle fibers had clear boundaries,uniform dyeing,and uniform diameter in muscle tissue cross-sections.The uniformity of diameter of muscle fibers on the surgical side was worse than that of normal muscle.The cross-sectional area of muscles was significantly lower in the epineurial neurorrhaphy and bio-sleeve suture groups than in the sham operation group(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in cross-section area of muscle tissue between the epineurial neurorrhaphy and bio-sleeve suture groups(P>0.05).