《Table 2 U ltimate and proximate analyse s of products》

《Table 2 U ltimate and proximate analyse s of products》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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*:calculated by difference

Rice straw(from Thailand,abbreviated to RS),Leucaena(w oody biomass from Thailand,LC),M ae moh coal(lignite from Thailand,M M),Loy yang coal(lignite from Australia,LY)and the blends of coal and biomass(LC/M M,RS/M M,LC/LY and RS/LY)w ere employed as raw materials.The ratio of coal to biomass in blends w as 1 to 1 on dry basis.The properties of the raw materials w ere show n in Table 1.1-methylnaphthalene(1-M N)w as used as a non-polar solvent for the degradative solvent extraction.