《Table 2 Identification of urine biomarkers in HCMV infection cases》

《Table 2 Identification of urine biomarkers in HCMV infection cases》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Note:aVariable importance in projection(VIP)values were obtained from OPLS-DA models with a threshold of 1;bContent variance compared to nor-mal group.Levels of potential biomarkers were labeled with(↓)down-regulated and(↑)up-regulated.

For urine samples,414compounds were detected in the positive ion mode.As shown in the PCA and OPLS-DA models(Figure 3),HCMV hepatitis also led to some changes in the urine metabolites.Finally,7differential biomarkers were identified in the urine samples(Table 2).