《Table 3 Agricultural and livestock product trade characteristics between mainland China and the“Bel

《Table 3 Agricultural and livestock product trade characteristics between mainland China and the“Bel   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The import demand for livestock products continues to increase,mainly relying on the Americas and Oceania.In2014,pork imports became more dependent on Europe.The import concentration of beef and mutton is very high,with usually more than 95%depending on the Americas and Oceania.Exports also tend to be concentrated in specific areas.In 2005,North Korea,Kazakhstan,and countries in eastern Europe and western Asia had a certain amount of trade with mainland China.In 2010,the export trade gradually shifted to Malaysia,North Korea,and western Asia.By2014,there was a large amount of trade only with Malaysia and Kyrgyzstan.