《Table 1 Debates on the two-domain or three-domain theorya)》

《Table 1 Debates on the two-domain or three-domain theorya)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"Archaea, the tree of life, and cellular evolution in eukaryotes"》

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a) *,this model is used in phylogenetic analysis of 11 proteins supporting Woese’tree of life(Figure 1b,Da Cunha et al.,2017).

While the two-domain theory(Figure 2b)is popular(Spang et al.,2015;Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka et al.,2017),a number of studies showed that those archaeal lineages were not the closest group to eukaryotes and instead endorsed the threedomain theory(Figure 2a).Consequently,these two contrasting theories have been hotly debated(Castelle and Banfield,2018;Da Cunha et al.,2017;Guy and Ettema,2011;Spang et al.,2018).Here we summarize the essence of this debate(Table 1).