《Table 1 SSU rDNA polymorphisms and rDNA copy numbers of the 20 species》

《Table 1 SSU rDNA polymorphisms and rDNA copy numbers of the 20 species》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Further analyses of variation of ribosome DNA copy number and polymorphism in ciliates provide insights relevant to studies of both molecular ecology and phylogeny》

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We choose 20 species from nine classes and 18 orders of ciliates to investigate intraspecific and intra-individual SNPs in SSU rDNA.For each species,we amplify the SSU rDNA of three individuals using PfuTurbo DNA polymerase and sequenced 10 clones per individual.We find that there is a common sequence that occurred at the highest frequency within individual and species(Table 1,Table S1 in Supporting Information).The number of common sequences differs from 5–10 of the 10 clones among individuals within a species(Table S1 in Supporting Information)and the total number of common sequences within species varies from18–30 of 30 clones(Table 1).As shown in Figure 2A and Table 1,the lower portion(<70%)of common sequences is detected in Deviata sp.,Favella ehrenbergii,Plagiopyla sp.and Tetrahymena thermophila.The common sequences among the three individuals per species generally are the same,except Deviata sp.and Favella ehrenbergii.In Deviata sp.and F.ehrenbergii,the common sequences of the first two individuals are the same,but have one base pair divergence with that of the third one.