《Table 1 Antigenic analysis of clade 7.2 H5 subtype avian influenza viruses》

《Table 1 Antigenic analysis of clade 7.2 H5 subtype avian influenza viruses》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Glycosylation and an amino acid insertion in the head of hemagglutinin independently affect the antigenic properties of H5N1 avian influenza viruses》

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a) Antisera were generated by vaccinating specific-pathogen-free chickens with hemagglutinin-expressing plasmids of the indicated viruses.b) Homologous HI titers are shown in boldface.

To fully understand the antigenic relationships of the clade7.2 H5 viruses,we selected nine viruses that were isolated between 2006 and 2013 and investigated their cross-reactivity with chicken antisera induced by an HA DNA vaccine of each of seven viruses by using the hemagglutinin inhibition(HI)test(Table 1).These antigenic data were also analyzed quantitatively by using the methods described by Smith et al.(Smith et al.,2004).The nine viruses formed three different antigenic clusters:cluster I,which contain the index isolate A/chicken/Shanxi/2/2006(H5N1)(CK/SX/2/06) ;cluster II,which includes A/chicken/Jiangsu/18/2008(H5N1)(CK/JS/18/08) and A/chicken/Shandong/A-8/2011(H5N1)(CK/SD/A-8/11) ;and cluster III,which contains the other six strains,namely A/chicken/Hebei/A/2012(H5N2)(CK/HeB/A/12) ,A/chicken/Liaoning/S4068/2011(H5N1)(CK/LN/S4068/11) ,A/chicken/Liaoning/S4092/2011(H5N1)(CK/LN/S4092/11) ,A/chicken/Ningxia/2/2012(H5N1)(CK/NX/2/12) ,A/chicken/Gansu/6/2012(H5N1)(CK/GS/6/12) ,and A/chicken/Hebei/3/2013(H5N2)(CK/HeB/3/13)(Figure1).These results demonstrate that the CK/JS/18/08-like viruses and the CK/HeB/A/12-like viruses are antigenically drifted from the CK/SX/2/06 virus and from each other.