《Table 4 Summary of CYP1B1 mutations/SNP observed in 29 Egyptian PCG patients》

《Table 4 Summary of CYP1B1 mutations/SNP observed in 29 Egyptian PCG patients》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Novel CYP1B1 mutations and a possible prognostic use for surgical management of congenital glaucoma》

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Thirty-one eyes(76%)in 22 patients showed success,while eleven eyes(24%)in 7 patients showed failure of the initial procedure and required re-surgery.Five out of 7 patient with failed initial procedure had confirmed mutations.While 9 out of 22 patients with successful initial procedure had mutations(Table 7).Positive consanguinity was found to be strongly correlated to failure of the initial procedure(P=0.016)with an odds ratio of 11.25(Table 7).Age at presentation was found to have a significant directly proportional correlation with survival time,i.e.the older the child,the longer the initial procedure controls the IOP(rho=0.542,P<0.001).A weaker inverse relationship(rho=-0.332,P=0.031)was present between initial IOP and the survival time(Table 8).KaplanMeier survival analysis was done to compare the survival time between the mutation-present and the mutation-absent subgroups a difference was revealed in favor of mutationabsent subgroup(Figure 2).This difference was found to be highly significant(log-rank test,P=0.015).