《Table 1 Classification of degree of preoperative severity of PCG cases[10]》

《Table 1 Classification of degree of preoperative severity of PCG cases[10]》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Launching a paradigm for first and redo-surgery in primary congenital glaucoma: institutional experience》

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IOP:Intraocular pressure;PCG:Primary congenital glaucoma.

Data Collection Charts of patients diagnosed with PCG during the specified period were retrospectively reviewed.Rosters were used to gather demographic information as age,gender and laterality.The type and the number of both glaucoma surgeries and of anti-glaucomatous drugs(AGD)were obtained for each patient.Clinical data were obtained at presentation,before the second operation and at 6-and12-month’s follow-up point after the first and redo-surgery respectively.Measurement of IOP was obtained at the initial phase of inhalation anesthesia under sevoflurane using TonoPen.Cup disc ratio values were obtained by direct or indirect ophthalmoscope whenever the media permits.Corneal diameter was measured horizontally(white-to-white)by calipers.Corneal edema was evaluated under biomicroscopy and was categorized into mild(detected by direct focal ophthalmoscope),moderate(partially obscuring the iris details)and severe(completely obscuring the iris details).The degree of the preoperative severity was assessed according to the IOP,corneal diameter and corneal edema.Scores from 1 to 3 were given for each parameter;then according to the total score;the eyes were classified as mild for scores from 1-3,moderate for scores 4-6 and severe for scores 7-9(Table 1)[10].