《Table 3 Principal component contribution rate of pinnules morphological traits》

《Table 3 Principal component contribution rate of pinnules morphological traits》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Numerical Taxonomy and Bayes Discriminant Analysis on 42 Fossil Species in Dicksoniaceae from China》

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The results of the principal component analysis(Table3)reveal that only the first four components have initial eigenvalues of>1,their contribution rates are 31.806%,22.425%,13.120%and 9.932%respectively,and the cumulative contribution rate is 77.283%.The contribution rate can reflect the reliability of the substitution when the principal component is used to replace the information provided by the original trait.It has been generally considered that the cumulative contribution rate should be more than 70%to reflect the basic appearance of things.