《Table 4 M1 Transition rates.》

《Table 4 M1 Transition rates.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Properties of Charmonium States in a Phenomenological Approach》

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aNon relativistic quark model.bRelativistic quark model.

with n=1,2,3,...the radial quantum numbers.The spin averaged masses calculated in our model are M(1ˉS)=3068.75 MeV,M(2ˉS)=3675.25 MeV,M(1ˉP)=3524.5 MeV,and M(2ˉP)=3913.16 MeV and the experimental value of spin averaged masses are 2984.3 MeV,3638.5.6 MeV,3525.3 MeV,and 3929 MeV respectively.[63]The calculated spin averaged mass splittings are listed in Table 2.