《Table 1 Detailed information of the dataset at sites belonging to CERN》

《Table 1 Detailed information of the dataset at sites belonging to CERN》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The data acquisition process can be described as below:first set up wireless data communication module at the automatic weather station,then transmit the data to China Mobile through the GSM/GPRS wireless network.China Mobile will send the data to the Data Acquisiton Center through Internet.After preliminary quality control and inspection,data are submitted to the Sub-Center for Atmosphere of CERN.Then the Sub-Center for Atmosphere will send the data back to the stations and meanwhile submit data to the Synthesis Research Center of CERN after second round quality control and inspection.At last,the Synthesis Research Center will share the data products with the public,scientists and stations(Figure 2).