《Table 1 Various magnetic field strength values》

《Table 1 Various magnetic field strength values》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Total ionizing dose and synergistic effects of magnetoresistive random-access memory》

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MTJ is written by magnetic fields;in other words,the MRAM is easily affected by strong magnetic fields.Strong magnetic fields from various astronomical bodies in space,solar flares,and the magnetic torque of spacecrafts would affect the reliability of MRAM devices.Table 1 lists some values of magnetic field strengths found in the universe[1].At the same time,electrons and protons in the Van Allen belt add to the total ionizing dose(TID)on MRAM devices in space.MRAM is influenced by synergistic effects,which blend the total ionizing dose with the magnetic field in real outer space environments.