《Table 3 Ba P removal and biomass production by Acinetobacter sp.Bap30 in the MSM for different conc

《Table 3 Ba P removal and biomass production by Acinetobacter sp.Bap30 in the MSM for different conc   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《苯并[a]芘降解菌Acinetobacter sp.Bap30菌株的分离、鉴定及降解特性研究(英文)》

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Note:Ba P=40 mg/L,p H=7.0,160 rpm,37°C.Mean and standard deviation values of the triplicates are listed.

40 mg/L glucose,sucrose,maltose,sodium acetate,and soluble starch were respectively added into the MSM as extra carbon sources for Ba P biodegradation by strain Bap30.Table 2 lists the Ba P removal and the biomass of strain Bap30 measured as OD600 after 7days incubation.Except for soluble starch,the addition of extra carbon increased the degradation of Ba P and the cell growth of strain Bap30.The addition of sucrose had the most positive effect,with Ba P removal increased to 23.7%and the production of eight times more biomass than in the control case.