《Table 1 Sorghum production from 1951 to 1991》

《Table 1 Sorghum production from 1951 to 1991》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Sources:Jinmen County Government Accounting and Statistics Bureau,1986:58,154-15;1995:44,92-93;2008:32;Hsu,1959:631-632.

The barter policy set one jin(local measure for 500 grams)of sorghum for an equivalent weight in brown rice.In 1951 only 34,550 kilos of sorghum were produced in Jinmen.The following year saw an increase of the annual output to 133,850 kilos when Jiulongjiang Distillery was officially established,but even that output was far from enough for the mass production of liquor.In 1953 annual output of sorghum increased six-fold,and the output overall increased year on year(Chi and Lin 2009:44).Table 1 shows the overall growth of the annual output from 1949 to 1991.Chart1 expresses the average yield of sorghum per hectare over four decades.The average yield overall shows an upward propensity.The rice exchanged was the long-grain Indica rice,not the short-grain Japonica rice introduced to Taiwan during Japanese rule.Indica rice was widely cultivated in South China and served as traditional rice with which people in Jinmen were familiar.