《Table 2 Part of different expression known genes on insulin resistance in FFR》

《Table 2 Part of different expression known genes on insulin resistance in FFR》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《cDNA Microarray Analysis of Insulin Resistance-associated Genes in Fructose-fed Rats》

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Soleus muscle from five rats of each group was obtained.The information regarding specimens is displayed in Table 1.Tissue samples were ground into a fine powder in a 10-cm ceramic mortar(RNase-free)and Total RNA was isolated using TRIzol Reagent(Moleular Research,Inc.,Carlsbad,Calif.,USA),according to the protocol supplied by the manufacturer.The quality of the RNA samples was examined on a denaturing agarose gel.Equal amounts of total RNA from five animals in the same experiment group were pooled before mRNA purification.Messenger RNAs were purified using an Oligotexd T mRNA Midi Kit(Qiagen,Carlsbad,Calif.,USA).