《Table 1 Inhibitory effect of HAS on fungal pathogens》

《Table 1 Inhibitory effect of HAS on fungal pathogens》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Study on Wide Antifungal Property of Bacillus subtilis HAS》

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+:Radius of inhibitory zone≥2.5 mm;++:radius of inhibitory zone≥5mm;+++:radius of inhibitory zone≥7.5 mm;++++:radius of inhibitory zone≥10 mm.

It could be seen from the inhibitory effect on the 11 fungal pathogens including S.scitaminea(Table 1)that strain HAS had wide inhibitory effect.B.subtilis HAS had the best inhibitory effect on S.scitaminea and T.paradoxa causing root rot of sugarcane,F.Moniliforme causing top rot of sugarcane and C.Fuleatum causing leaf rot of sugarcane,second best inbitory effect on C.adiposum,C.taiwanensis,C.Longipes and R.solani,and certain inhibitory effect on D.sacchari,P.Sorghina and B.Sacchari,indicating that HAS has broad application prosepect.