《Table 4 The impact of family environment on early childhood development》

《Table 4 The impact of family environment on early childhood development》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Relationship between Poor Family Environment and Early Childhood Development in Rural Areas and Recommendations》

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Note:Regression coefficient is reported,*means P<0.1,**means P<0.05,***means P<0.01;the standard deviation is in brackets;data are from author survey.

Multivariate regression analysis shows that the quality of family environment has a significant impact on early childhood development(Table 4).The better the family environment,the better the development of communication,fine exercise,coarse exercise,problem-solving and individual-society ability of children,the less the social problems in social-emotional aspects.In addition,the regression results show that the 2015 competency scores have a significant positive impact on 2016 scores,validating the conclusion that early childhood development is an accumulative process.There are some regional differences in early childhood development.The children’s coarse exercise,problem-solving and socialemotional ability development in Hebei Province is better than that of children in Yunnan Province.The older children have better communication skills,but at the same time they face greater risks in developing problem-solving abilities;the communication and social-emotional development of female children is better than that of male children.The risk of early development is greater for the sample children who is the first one to be born or is light during birth.Interestingly,the communication ability of minority sample children is stronger than that of Han sample children.The regression results also show that there is no significant correlation between the basic status of mothers or the economic status of the family and the early childhood development.