《Tab.1 The values ofτ1, τ2andτ*for decay curves ofα-Ba3Y1-x (BO3) 3∶x Dy3+.》

《Tab.1 The values ofτ1, τ2andτ*for decay curves ofα-Ba3Y1-x (BO3) 3∶x Dy3+.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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τ*=(A1τ12+A2τ22)/(A1τ1+A2τ2),(3) parametersτ1,τ2andτ*for decay curves ofα-Ba3Y1-x(BO3)3∶x Dy3+are demonstrated in Tab.1.The average distance between two Dy3+ions decreases with the increasing Dy3+concentration,which enhances the energy migration or cross-relaxation between different Dy3+ions via the dipole-dipole interaction or exchange interaction and decreases the luminescence lifetime from 0.808 ms to 0.360ms[20,27-28].The second-order exponential curves generate from the presence of two luminescence centers formed by Dy3+taking both Y1/Y2(CN:6)and Ba3/Ba4 sites(CN:9);the experimental behavior ofα-Ba3Y1-x(BO3)3∶x Dy3+can be ascribed to a linear superposition of DyⅠ3+and DyⅡ3+.