《Tab 4 Pathological anatomy-Smoking habit (stratified analysis by gender)》

《Tab 4 Pathological anatomy-Smoking habit (stratified analysis by gender)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Epidemiological Evolution of Lung Cancer in the South of Spain from 1990 to 2010》

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Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common cancer in males,with a total of 1,002 cases(54.51%).Adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in 208 patients(11.31%),small cell carcinoma in 385(20.94%),and poorly or moderately differentiated non-small cell carcinoma in 243(13.22%).Adenocarcinoma was the most frequent malignant tumour in women.Thus,of the 188 diagnosed with lung cancer,73(38.82%)had an adenocarcinoma,59(31,38%)a squamous cell carcinoma,16(8.51%)a small cell carcinoma,and 38(20.21%)a poorly or moderately differentiated non-small cell carcinoma(‘other non-small cell carcinomas’)(Table 2) .Our results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between men and women as regards the histopathology type(Chisquare=131.763,P<0.001).