《Table 1.Summary of fermentation-relevant properties of kveik strains analyzed by Preiss et al.(9)》下

《Table 1.Summary of fermentation-relevant properties of kveik strains analyzed by Preiss et al.(9)》下   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The concentrations of the some of the aroma compounds produced by kveik have been measured in-laboratory with GC-MS,whereas others remain elusive.Notably,kveik seems to produce above-threshold amounts of fatty acid esters,which might confer some of the fruity flavors.Analysis of aroma com-pounds showed low figures for 4-vinyl-guaiacol(phenolic off-flavor;clove)but high values for particularly ethyl caprylate and ethyl decanoate,and in some cases for ethyl caproate(9).All of these esters may contribute to the fruity perception of kveik-fermented beers.It is not yet known what flavor metabo-lites contribute to the noted citrus,milky caramel,or mush-room notes in kveik.They may be flavor compounds unique to this yeast family.