《Tab.2 The average values of soil evaporation and vegetation transpiration in different periods》

《Tab.2 The average values of soil evaporation and vegetation transpiration in different periods》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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As mentioned above,the soil layer 0-20cm above the ground surface is the soil layer with strong soil evaporation.However,due to the limitation of remote sensing observation depth,the SMAP microwave product which is selected in this paper cannot reflect the soil water status at 20cm depth,only as an approximation of the soil water content at 10cm above the ground surface.Therefore,the analysis of this study only focuses on the effect of changes in surface soil moisture on evapotranspiration,and the study of the relationship between soil moisture and evapotranspiration at a depth of 10-20cm can be based on assimilated products of soil moisture(such as GLDAS,etc.),and related work will be carried out in subsequent studies.