《Table 1 Characteristics of animal models for HBV study》

《Table 1 Characteristics of animal models for HBV study》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Animal models for the study of hepatitis B virus infection》

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The first human liver chimeric mouse model was developed in immunodeficient(Rag2-/-,SCID,SCID/beige)mice with the urokinase-type plasminogen activator(u PA)transgene.The expression of the u PA gene can induce necrosis of hepatocytes,leading to subacute liver failure in young mice,and making it possible to transplant human hepatocytes into mouse livers.Transplantation of human hepatocytes into u PA-SCID mice results in a liver-humanized model with high human hepatocyte reconstitution rate and supportive of HBV and HCV infection(Dandri et al.,2001;Tsuge et al.,2005)(Table 1) .